Friday 11 September 2015

The Importance Of English For Me

The importance of English for me is that it is the most effective form of communication in Singapore. You can navigate your way through the streets of Singapore with just the English language alone.I use English everyday when communicating with those around me such as my family members and friends.

Being able to communicate with people of different races and backgrounds in itself amazes me as how we are able to interact as a whole society just through a standardized form of language.Although being able to converse in English is one thing, to write it down is another and most commonly in the form of a report.I am not precise when it comes to writing reports or letters however I think that the most important thing is that the recipient is able to understand what I am trying to relay

Coincidentally, through lectures during effective communications, I realize that as an engineer, a report would be read by countless numbers of people. Additionally, there would be different perspectives on how the report is being interpreted.During my internship, there were countless of quarrels between two individuals which involved miscommunications solely because of their writing .They were both questioning each other’s representation on how their writing did not coincide with one another’s proposed ideas.

Through this I realized that I have to improve my report writing with the proper format and structure so that I would be able to provide the best explanation to those that require my knowledge to carry out their given task.I intend to practice more on my writing during this effective communications module. And through the mini projects and e-portfolios, I hope that I would be able to identify the areas of improvement and from there make the necessary changes to produce an excellent report.To conclude, I feel being able to speak  a language and to write it are two very different things altogether.

Edited ( 22/09/2015 )


  1. Hi Muhammad,

    I like how your post covers a wide range- from English being the universal language to citing example from your internship.

    "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

    Keep yourself motivated and I'm sure you will be able to write better than you did previously and hopefully through this Effective Communication module, you will be able to achieve your desired results!


  2. Hi Muhammad!

    It was a pleasure to read your reflection. After reading through, I felt that I had similar experiences! I feel the same about English being the most understandable language in Singapore.
    I understand that it was a tough time during your internship because I too had miscommunications during my internship. When we speak or write anything, we must always check if it conforms to the topic.
    Something to point out, I believe ‘of’ in the following sentence is redundant, “During my internship, there were countless of quarrels…”. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)
    Your report writing skills will definitely improve as long as you listen to Brad’s teachings. HAHAHA! I can’t agree more with what you mentioned at the end. Being able to speak and write are 2 different things. Muhammad, I believe you have the aptitude to be an excellent and proficient report writer! All the best!

  3. Hi Muhammad,

    Great reflection, a lot of your own personal feeling and experience are covered in the topic. I can feel your passion in your words. In some parts of your reflection, I am able to feel what you have gone through as I have also went through similar experiences.

    "Although being able to converse in English is one thing, to write it down is another"
    I think there should be a 'but' in that sentence? ( correct me if I am wrong )

    Keep up the good work! Let us both improve our use of language in this module together!


  4. Hi Muhammad,

    I am truly impressed by how your post it. I can feel the passionate enthusiasm you have to do on a reflection of the given topic! I like how your post is very systematic and has a flow from one paragraph to another. I could also sense your feelings and thought in your post.

    Personally to me, this is a very good written work and I can't wait to read more of your future post. Let us work together in attaining the same goal to improve on our English language. It would be a pleasure to work together with you


  5. Hello Muhammad,

    Great reflection. I am impressed on your enthusiasm and passion in your reflection. I agree with you the importance of writing a good report, being clear, can prevent miscommunication especially in the working. I look forward working with you.


  6. Dear Muhammad,

    I have to apologize for responding to you so late. Honestly, I thought I had already responded. I read it and was impressed, but must have become distracted before leaving comments.

    In any case, this is a very fine effort, with significant detail to support your main areas. I'm especially appreciative of the way you develop your ideas, and the ways that you transition from one idea to the next. The anecdote from your internship on the miscommunication is priceless.

    Generally, your language use throughout this short reflection is fluent. There is only one sentence I need to nitpick about:

    I would say that I am a bit lazy in terms of writing, however, I believe that if the other party roughly understands what I am are trying to get across, it would be fine with me.

    Do you know how this should be edited?

    In any case, you've done a fine job with this post. I look forward to reading more from you!
